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Saturday, December 27, 2008
25 Random Facts
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Saturday, December 13, 2008
Update: Trading, Writing, and Traveling
Yes, I know it's been quite a while since I've updated. There's not a lot going on for me lately. Well, I have a few very important things going on, but they are either boring or not for me to be discussing with the random public :)
Most of my time since October has been spent trading (currency, EUR/USD, for those that don't already know). It's going decently well, though I really need more capital to be able to do anything substantial. I'm working on doing that just now, gathering some more capital from a few individuals. I'd rather not involve others; if I had enough capital on my own, I would do it on my own. But, it is what it is, and I need to get capital, so I have to deal with other people's money. I think that's what I dislike the most, the responsibility and just general stress of dealing with someone else's money. Oh well.
A couple of months ago, I finished my most recent writing project. The Star Wars Rebellion Era Campaign Guide ( will be coming out next summer. For the foreseeable future, it will be my last writing project. I honestly was fairly burned out before I began this project, but I couldn't pass up the offer to work on my first book. Hopefully, my name will be on the final cover, which would be nice. I think my word count was about 10% of the total book, though I probably shouldn't talk about what parts I actually wrote, as the contents haven't been released.
I am hoping to begin traveling again by mid to late January, though that depends on getting capital fairly soon and trading going at least slightly well. I'll be going back to Asia first, starting in Korea and then branching out from there. The most likely secondary candidates are Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, China, then down into Thailand, India, and the surrounding areas. Of course, that's all tentative, but it gives you an idea. I have so many places I didn't get to in Asia, and so many regions to see, other than Asia. I'll keep you updated, of course.
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