Saturday, February 9, 2008

Breakfast and Women

As I have noted earlier, I am staying with my grandparents for a couple of nights. One of the nice things about that is MawMaw wanting to cook for me every morning. This is fantastic, as I am a bit lazy and definitely not a morning person. I usually skip breakfast, as I have no motivation to fix anything. I started thinking it would be really cool to have this, someone to make me breakfast, more often; however, then I realized a problem: the type of woman I like doesn't tend to be the 'cook breakfast for her man' kind of woman. I guess I tend to prefer a woman that is more likely to wake up, glare at me, and throw a granola bar at me than she is to get up and cheerily fix breakfast, which is fine with me, as I like attitude. I just have to steel myself for the fact that this is not going to be something I have very often in my life. Oh well, I'd rather have a smartass woman with a mischievous grin than breakfast any day.

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