Monday, August 27, 2007

Bureaucracy FTW!

I just went down to the law faculty to check in and was handed a form and told to fill it out and mail it the place where I was standing. That's right, I can't just fill it out and hand it to them; I have to mail it to them. That means I still don't know what my schedule is going to be next week. On the plus side, on my way back to my room I saw a table for the chess and board games club. Unfortunately, like most socially inept gamers, they have their games on Friday nights. As I plan on either traveling or going out on the weekends, I doubt I'll be able to join them. It is reassuring to know that gamers are the same on both sides of the planet.

I'm off to Taikooshing to meet Albert this afternoon. I've never been there, so I may take some pictures. It's just another area on HK island, farther down the island line than I have been.

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