Saturday, August 11, 2007

Somewhere a rainbow is weeping.

I actually have no way of tying that title into what I was going to post, but it's just so damned funny! I was watching Psych (good acting in that show) and the main character was making fun of his dad's shirt and said that it was colour genocide. Ahh, comic gold.

Anyway, I've begun work on Britt 5.0. If you anyone has any feature or bug fix requests, now is the time to inform me. Don't worry; if it's bad, I won't hold it against you, but I might kill you for it. Don't let that deter you from providing creative feedback, though. I already have some things in development, but you could provide ideas that lead to amazing advances in Britt technology and maybe, just maybe lead to the salvation of all humankind from the alien, monkey overlords. If you don't want to help me, at least think of the alien, monkey overlords.


Sara said...

Somewhere a rainbow is puking.

Hey, in fact, it's right here at this website:

Britt F. Frey said...

Hahah, thanks for that Sara!

Anonymous said...

Methinks that one feature to incorporate into BF 5.X is parallel distributive processing frame, wherein the AI notices the relations that exist between two (or more, depending on the RAM and HDD) experiences.
Buber and Dewey would like that.

Britt F. Frey said...

James, you need to sign your anonymous posts ;) And /A/I??!?!? There's nothing artificial about it!